Chasing You

Romans Road Ministry

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Need a little more time is what we say We need a little more help, when things aren't going our way The fact is, to call upon him is the only way he likes it.

In the morning I wake up I say your name and praise you. I pray that your spirit fills me, and guides me day by day

God, you are my God; and I will ever Chase you; my soul desires you

Need a little more time is what we say We need a little more help, when things aren't going our way The fact is, to call upon him is the only way he likes it.

In the morning I wake up I say your name and praise you. I pray that your spirit fills me, and guides me day by day

God, you are my God; and I will ever Chase you; my soul desires you Because your steadfast love is forever, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.

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